bouquet final

Born of a sudden impulse, "bouquet final" is a dreamlike tale of worlds built around the gesture. Rituals, a dark, misty forest, a cavern and an erupting volcano coexist to create an enigmatic narrative. Landscapes crossed by one man, and perhaps another...

This film was conceived as a follow-up to Christian Rizzo's solo "en son lieu". The challenge is to re-appropriate the danced gestures to propel this solo into another dimension. To invent another life for it.

Running time: 12'

Réalisation Sophie Laly // Chorégraphie, scénographie et costumes Christian Rizzo // Interprétation Nicolas Fayol // Création lumière Caty Olive // Création musicale Pénélope Michel et Nicolas Devos (Cercueil / Puce Moment) // Production : ICI—CCN Montpellier Occitanie / direction Christian Rizzo